Giving your pension communications a much-needed spring clean…


Spring cleaning can be defined as a thorough annual clean, making sure you get the bits you sometimes forget about or neglect. It can also mean throwing out the things you don’t use anymore to make room for something new and a bit more up to date.

Gone are the days where a spring clean is limited to the home – we’re encouraging you to apply the idea to your pension communications!

As industry leaders in pension comms, we understand that it can be difficult to identify areas within your scheme that may need a bit of tidying up, which is why we’ve come up with the four R’s to get you started: refresh, revive, renew, revitalise!

Refresh – making the move to digital

In an increasingly digital landscape, the demand to provide accessible, on-demand pension services is rising. The question is: are you doing enough to ensure everything your members need is right at their fingertips?

If your scheme is lacking a website, it’s time to make the shift to digital. Think of it as the one-stop shop for all things pensions – somewhere you can share updates or host useful information or documents.

If you do have a website, is it working the way that you want it to? Dead pages, links that go nowhere or even a colour scheme that’s outdated can be off-putting enough to send your members running!

Revive – is your comms strategy really working hard enough?

A good comms strategy is adaptable, intuitive and creative. It ensures that information is distributed in a way that is fair and consistent, no matter who you’re trying to communicate with.

Your members are unique, and reacting to that uniqueness through your communications is easier than you might think. A good comms plan will elevate and drive your scheme forwards, whilst maintaining a compelling message that people will actually want to engage with. If your current strategy feels flat, it may be time for a rethink.

Renew – ensuring existing comms are up to snuff

With a new tax year fast approaching, spring is the best possible time to refresh your existing scheme and policy documents. It’s best to get ahead of the curve and have this done in time for April.

Information is ever-changing, and keeping on top of those changes can feel a bit like climbing a never-ending mountain. Despite the challenge, it’s important that you follow best practices in the industry, giving your members information that is current and accurate.

Revitalise – data is beautiful

All of us here at Wordshop believe data is beautiful, largely because data can help us tell a more complete story.

Gathering data from your administrators can help you target your communications and ensure sure they land with the absolute best possible chance of being read and retained. A blanket approach is no longer acceptable, not when there is so much technology on hand to help your comms become more flexible than ever before.

Targeted communications are the perfect way to provide relevant, topical information to the right audience. Understanding your members is the key to unlocking a more enhanced user experience, ensuring messaging is shared in a way that best suits your reader.

We can help

Whether you need a top-tier comms strategy, a beautiful new website, a helping hand from some copy experts or all of the above – Wordshop could be the key to unlocking your scheme’s potential. We have been offering a helping hand to businesses for over 30 years, and we’re on a mission to make pensions more digestible for every pension scheme member.

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